Friday, April 30, 2010



Hello team. I am glad to here that many of you have found online worksheets and quizzes helpful. All of you worked very hard in your groups today on converting the different types of measurement units. Your math textbook has many great examples and I have also found a worksheet, which asks you to circle the right answer and give you a bit of a break. Remember if you are stuck or just want to check if your answers are right, feel free to bring them to class and we will take it up as a class together. Click Here to work on the worksheet.

I am very pleased to here that some of you have found that online quiz helpful and that you would like another one. Some of you have mentioned test or quizzes make you feel nervouse and that the online quiz makes you feel more relaxed. Well team, if online quizzes make you feel more comfortable to help you practice then I will post another one. Here I have an online quiz on measurement which is multiple choice. Click Here and relax and have fun with this practice quiz team.

Thank you team for your comments and suggestions. Remember we are a team and we will help each other as a team. 

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